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321 Dick Street
Suite 107
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301
9104831179 (910)483-1179

Campaign Materials

Virtual Fundraising Ideas

Virtual Fundraising Ideas

Set up online platforms that are best for your company to host additional fundraising challenges to boost engagement with your team!

Concert – Partner with a local artist or talented employee to host a virtual benefit concert for your team. Use a platform to register attendees so that they can purchase tickets for entry.

  • Determine if this event will be live or through video submission.
  • Partner with a local artist or employee to host a company concert and promote through email, intranet and /or company social media on how to purchase tickets.
  • If external partner is used – confirm technology is compatible and determine if livestreaming is an option.  Have practice session prior to event to ensure all issues are resolved.
  • IF LIVE: promote a day/time to host event through online meeting platform.  Attendees purchase a ticket for entry to view the show.
  • IF RECORDED: promote a day/time to host event through online meeting platform.  Share videos of concert through YouTube, VIMEO, or Google Drive.
  • Send a thank you messages to all participants and performer(s).
  • Submit ticket sales proceeds to UWCC.

Talent Show or Open Mic Night – Let your employees shine! Ask employee to contribute a suggested donation “cover charge” to receive a link to a virtual talent show or open mic.  Have a host to make the event fun and efficient!

  • Determine if this event will be love or though video submissions.
  • Pick a start + end date for contestants to submit their talents or talent videos.
  • Promote either live or recorded event with clear end dates and instructions to employees.  Determine if the winner(s) get a prize to add additional excitement.
  • IF LIVE: promote a day/time to host event through online meeting platform and determine the run of show based on submissions.  Attendees to contribute a suggested donation for entry to view the show.  At the end of the event, set up a poll for attendees to vote on their favorite acts.
  • IF RECORDED: determine final day to accept video submissions. Once all received, share videos of acts through YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive.  Have employees vote for their favorite by making a suggested donation as a vote towards the winner. Clearly define an end date and time and whoever has the most donations at the end is the winner!
  • Send thank you messages to all participants and contestants and share links to all videos or recording of the event.
  • Follow up with winner to provide a prize and submit donations to UWCC.

 Bake Sales – A classic fundraiser turned virtual. Instead of buying treats, buy recipes with a suggested donation to make at home.

  • Determine length of time to run virtual bake sale and promote through email, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Gather family or favorite recipes from employees and create a virtual cookbook either through Microsoft Word, Google Pages, or e-book website.
  • When employees donate, follow up with a link to the recipes or send the document.
  • Encourage employees to make items and share photos/videos of the final product to promote throughout the timeframe.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Pie in the Face – A classic fundraiser gone virtual. Select several leaders within your organization and set a goal – whichever leader has the most votes, gets a pie in the face! Employees can contribute a vote through a suggested donation. Enlist friends and family to pie the leader in the face either live in a virtual meeting setting or recording and sharing through YouTube, Vimeo, or other sites.

  • List the names of volunteered leadership with ability to donate per leader.
  • Choose a start + end time to collect funds through online platform and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Once event ends, calculate and confirm the leader with the most votes or highest donation total.
  • Coordinate with leader when/where they will be pied in the face (live or recorded) and share with staff.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Cooking Class – Find employees to host or record a cooking demonstration or partner with a local chef in the community to teach an online cooking class. Register attendees with a suggested donation to learn new meals or different techniques to learn.

  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date and time for event.
  • Choose a start + end time to collect funds through online platform and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • IF LIVE: promote a day/time to host event through online meeting platform. 
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Happy or Social Hours – Employees can contribute a suggested donation for link to happy hour.

  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date and time for event.
  • Choose a start + end time to collect funds through online platform and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • During happy hour, consider playing games, hosted conversation topics, or having a theme.
  • Create or share cocktail and non-alcoholic drink recipes.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Challenge Contest – Create challenges for the staff and ask participants to take a picture or video completing the challenge.  Each challenger donates a set amount and nominates others to donate and complete a challenge.  Share on social media or internal workplace intranet for added fun!

  • Choose a start + end time for event to encourage more participation.
  • Promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Keep track of all employees who have completed the challenge and ask them to submit contribution to company PayPal or through third party online platform.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Host Movie Day – Host a time for employees to take a break and watch a movie!  Employees can join the movie by registering with a suggested donation.

  • Create and install a Netflix Party account and ensure that it is compatible and allowable for employees.
  • Provide the link with the event details to registered attendees.
  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date, time, and movie selection for the event.
  • Send party URL to all participants to join the Netflix Party (
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

At Home Fashion Show – Select leadership to model in an at home Fashion Show.  Each leader is given different looks in different themes (pajamas, theme outfit, most colorful, etc.). Encourage employees to contribute a “cover charge” with suggested donation for admission to attend.

  • Provide the link to the event details to be included in registration email.
  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date, time and themes for event.
  • Designate leadership/employees to participate as models and have them either record their looks or set a schedule for themes/looks to run live.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Employee Online Tutorials – Have employees teach their skills to fellow employees by hosting online tutorials.  Have employees contribute a suggested donation for a link for each class.         

  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date and time for event.
  • Choose a start + end time to collect funds through online platform and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Determine number of events and employees who can host online tutorials. Each class will need its own event confirmed on company calendar.
  • IF LIVE: promote a day/time to host event through online meeting platform. Attendees contribute a donation for a ticket to entry to view the show.  At the end of the event, set up a poll for attendees to vote on their favorite acts.
  • IF RECORDED: Determine final day to accept video submissions. Once all received, share videos of acts through YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

5K – Employees register and contribute a suggested donation and choose their own path to get outside and safely participant in group health challenge.

  • Choose a start + end time to collect funds through online platform and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Determine a date and time for official 5k event.  On the date, attendees will determine the route based on safety and current location.
  • Consider having employees ask for sponsorships from friends and families to increase contributions.
  • Ask attendees to record their route, take videos and photos to share.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

 Find It Contest – Select leadership to participate in game and select a host to say an item that could be found in a house.  The first person who brings back that item receives a point.  Whoever has the most points wins. Encourage employees to contribute a “cover charge” with suggested donation for admission to attend.

  • Set up a third-party fundraising site to register attendees.
  • Select leadership to participate as contestants and select a host.
  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date, time, and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Have 10 to 15 items in mind for host to call out for participants to find.
  • Have a prize for the one who has the most points.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

 Trivia Night – Run a virtual trivia night with employees looking to have fun and test their knowledge!

  • Set up a third-party fundraising site to register attendees.
  • Determine if employees can register as a team or individually and make a suggested donation for both options.
  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date, time, and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Determine how to facilitate the game:

                - Set up an account with online trivial platform

                - Set up an account and create your own trivia through online presentation platform such as Mentimeter or Kahoot!

                - Create your own trivia questions and presentation through PowerPoint and use chat box for answers.

  • Submit donations to UWCC.

 Cute Pet Contest - Employees submit photos of their pet and your audience votes via donation and decides who is cutest!

  • Choose a start + end time to collect funds through online platform and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Participants will submit photos to internal corporate contact to share out before the voting.
  • Employees vote for the cutest pet by contributing a set or suggested donation.
  • Determine what prize will be given to winner, even if just bragging rights.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Bingo – Host a Bingo game by sending bingo cards and call numbers during a virtual meeting.  Encourage employees to contribute a “cover charge” for entrance and receive determined number of cards. Distribute additional cards for contributions for additional fundraising.

  • Set up a third-party fundraising site to register attendees.
  • Select an online meeting platform and set a date and time for event.
  • Choose a start + end time to collect funds through online platform and promote through emails, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Determine how many rounds to play and whether there will be prizes for winners.
  • Create account on virtual bingo platform such as or; be sure to confirm account as some free accounts have limitations.
  • Send bingo cards or link to virtual bingo game prior to the game,
  • Submit donations to UWCC.

Silent Online Auctions – Purchase or collect items that your tram would want to bid on and create a virtual silent auction. The highest bid wins!

  • Collect auction items for event and determine starting value.
  • Set and use a silent auction site like to run the auction.
  • Determine length of time to run silent online auction and promote through email, intranet, and/or company social media.
  • Submit donations to UWCC.








Our Impact In 2023/2024

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  • Volunteer Hours


  • Funds Granted


  • Volunteers


United Way
United Way of Cumberland County
321 Dick Street
Suite 107
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301
9104831179 (910)483-1179